Home visits for breastfeeding problems
If you, any of your family or friends are having difficulties with breastfeeding I am available to discuss the issues and if needed home visit anywhere in the Perth area.
If you, any of your family or friends are having difficulties with breastfeeding I am available to discuss the issues and if needed home visit anywhere in the Perth area.
The new Spectra 2 pumps that have been on back order are now here. Both Debbie and myself have the Spectra S2 and the s9 available for either hire or sale. These pumps do an awesome job and are very well priced. Debbie and I are always happy to show you how to use them to…
There is nothing more significant in life that the birth of your first child. It can be very joyful but it is definitely not without its challenges Nothing can really prepare you for how life changes Looking after yourself and your relationships while caring for your new baby can help relieve some uncertainty and prevent…
I have another brand new great niece, Finnley. Unfortunately we won’t be able to visit her for a little while because she lives in Florida USA. Great work Casey and Dave xx
My husband and I are about to jump on a plane to Europe, I’m so excited!! We are going to Holland, Portugal and Sweden (to visit our son and his girlfriend) We had a pretty full on year last year, we got married after 31 years of being together, we had a beautiful camping honeymoon…
Hello Everyone, I am overseas until October 7th 2014. Im going to Europe to see my youngest son Peter compete in the Grade 1 match racing circuit. This is his first year sailing at the grade 1 level so it is very exciting. My older son Evan has taken a year off working as an…
I attended and spoke at the annual conference for the West Australian College of Lactation Consultants yesterday. I shared with the group photos, stories and what I learnt from the wonderful Kimberley Aboriginal mums and bubs I worked with in the last 12 months. I neglected to tell everyone I’m now back in Perth to…