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Suffering with mastitis? Why not enroll in this study

Curtin University, The University of Western Australia and Monash University are conducting a study on mastitis. They are looking for mothers experiencing mastitis to join their study.   Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast that can lead to infection. Mastitis is a common breastfeeding problem, reported to occur in one in six women.  …

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Dr Marnie Rowan starts a new breastfeeding medicine clinic

Dr Marnie Rowan, breastfeeding medicine clinic I am pleased to announce that I will be commencing a breastfeeding medicine clinic in June 2014 at the rooms of Dr Bruce Thyer, Killowen House, St John of God Mt Lawley (formerly Mercy). I manage breastfeeding problems utilising a medical model and evidence based care, whilst ensuring each…


A study underway in Perth at The University of WA looking at nipple pain

Erin Fee is a masters student conducting this study, she is very keen to see any mother with nipple pain METABOLITE PROFILING OF HUMAN MILK IN MOTHERS WITH NIPPLE PAIN Nipple pain is largely responsible for early weaning of infants, whereas exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is preferred. I’m conducting a study on metabolites present…