
The Elizabeth Clinic – New to Perth

The Elizabeth Clinic is officially open!!! The Elizabeth Clinic is a specialist multidisciplinary service supporting the health of mothers, fathers, babies and small children 222 Stirling Highway Claremont, Western Australia 0407 858 393 http://www.elizabethclinic.com.au/ Dr Caroline Zanetti and Dr Julia Feutrill are so pleased to be able to offer an affordable, inclusive comprehensive health service to…

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Suffering with mastitis? Why not enroll in this study

Curtin University, The University of Western Australia and Monash University are conducting a study on mastitis. They are looking for mothers experiencing mastitis to join their study.   Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast that can lead to infection. Mastitis is a common breastfeeding problem, reported to occur in one in six women.  …

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Dr Marnie Rowan starts a new breastfeeding medicine clinic

Dr Marnie Rowan, breastfeeding medicine clinic I am pleased to announce that I will be commencing a breastfeeding medicine clinic in June 2014 at the rooms of Dr Bruce Thyer, Killowen House, St John of God Mt Lawley (formerly Mercy). I manage breastfeeding problems utilising a medical model and evidence based care, whilst ensuring each…

Dr Marnie Rowan

Dr Marnie Rowan is a GP with a special interest in breastfeeding. Dr Rowan also works with the Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group at The University of Western Australia. She has a vast knowledge of all aspects of breastfeeding. We are very lucky she has now dedicated Mondays specifically to see families with breastfeeding problems….