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I’m available again for home visits late November 2019- Perth/surrounding area

I’m really enjoying working at Royal Darwin Hospital. The ethnic mix is incredible, I’m learning so much from working with this diverse range of mums and babies. My work includes:

Special Care Nursery and NICU

Modern medicine is amazing! Working with families of babies born at 25-27 weeks gestation you see how resilient and fragile human life can be. Helping these mothers initiate and then build their milk supply is very rewarding. Mother’s own milk gives these tiny babies much more protection from the many complications of preterm birth. Seeing them start breastfeeding when they mature enough is also a pure delight.

Maternity Ward

Every morning there are rounds of the ward assisting anyone with difficulties. Paying particular attention to ensuring women initiate and build their milk supply– we know from research the first 2 weeks of lactation are very important to ensure a good milk supply is established. Helping new mothers manage the sleepy newborn that has difficulty feeding, ensuring tender/abraded nipples don’t lead to cracked sore nipples, educating and giving information to get good comfortable breastfeeding for both mother and baby. Getting a good start is so important.

Clinic Appointments

Every afternoon we have appointments for antenatal women who want to access our expertise and of course those who have left hospital and are having ongoing breastfeeding issues. Past breastfeeding challenges, recurrent mastitis, low supply, nipple trauma, difficult latching, low breastfeeding confidence are just some of the situations.


As Darwin is a baby friendly hospital we are continually creating and providing breastfeeding education updates for all staff. Having a research background has helped greatly with this aspect of the work here. I am attending all sorts of education updates myself from wound management to diabetes research and of course midwifery.

if you have had past difficulties or just want to have a lactation consultant ready on board for when your new baby/grandchild/niece or nephew/ friend arrives- send me a message. See this page for details of of consultants that can help until I return in November.

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