Relationship Tips
As Christmas creeps closer here are some thoughts to consider around our relationships
♥ Remember all relationships are dynamic and ever changing
Tips for keeping ourselves and our loved ones valued, loved and nurtured:
♥Develop a sense of trust: so that all can be seen, understood and accepted
♥Accept that physical closeness is only one expression of intimacy
♥Acknowledge one another’s need to be autonomous: to make our own decisions
♥Create a safe place in which you can express problems, doubts, fears and weaknesses without fear of rejection or punishment
♥Be willing to communicate what is in your heart and mind, listen to others expectations, needs and wants (not necessarily always “fixing things”)
♥Be willing to negotiate differences with respect and generosity – your not going to get your own way all the time
♥Be aware of and honestly acknowledge the personal issues you bring to the relationship and the unrealistic expectations you may place
♥Take time to be alone and have some space. Then you can give freely to one another
♥Maintain and build supportive networks outside the relationship. It is not possible for one relationship to meet every need
♥Laugh, sing and dance