Topics for iLactation online conference in September
im looking forward to some of these great talks.
im looking forward to some of these great talks.
As health professionals we use weighing babies only as a quick guide (a screening tool) to confirm growth Lets see some facts about weighing babies The average birthweight of a term baby (37-40 weeks) is between 2,500-4,000g. Birth weight is a marker of intrauterine environment. These markers include length of pregnacy size of parents birth…
I have just purchased 5 sets of Tanita neonatal baby weigh scales because so many mothers having breastfeeding difficulties ask me about renting these very accurate sensitive scales. They have not been available to rent anywhere in Perth to date. Within the next couple of days I will have a tab on my website regarding…
I’ll be back in Perth the first week in February for anyone wanting a homevisit. Our indigenous people are wonderful breastfeeders! I’m learning heaps from them.
Survey : Monash University. Louise McLean is my niece. She is wanting parents of children between 2-3 years to log on and simply fill out a questionnaire, its easy. Being involved in research projects is a great thing to do, what we can learn from your experience will help future generations.
Parenting and Child Health – Health Topics – Wonder weeks. Here is some very good information regarding child development.
Hand Expression – Newborn Nursery at LPCH – Stanford University School of Medicine. This is a great site for all new parents, it has photos of all sorts of conditions and I feel all their information is very trustworthy. I picked out the link to this video for those out there struggling with low milk…