Topics for iLactation online conference in September
im looking forward to some of these great talks.
im looking forward to some of these great talks.
As health professionals we use weighing babies only as a quick guide (a screening tool) to confirm growth Lets see some facts about weighing babies The average birthweight of a term baby (37-40 weeks) is between 2,500-4,000g. Birth weight is a marker of intrauterine environment. These markers include length of pregnacy size of parents birth…
I’m back in Perth, text, email or ring to discuss and arrange a home visit My 6 month contract working at the Royal Darwin Hospital has finished and we are heading home. It has been so wonderful working with all the new mums and bubs in the NICU and Special Care Nursery plus all the…
I am in Brisbane for the next 3 days doing a midwifery update course. I was planning to do this while I was working in the Kimberley as a midwife and child health nurse but because I worked in such remote communities it was going to take me 3 days to get to the course…
New babies don’t come with any instructions! It’s natures way of teaching right from the start to trust yourself, your body and your family. The first 6 weeks are pretty tough and gruelling, a bit like running a marathon. We know from research that if you have breastfeeding confidence you will breastfeeding for longer. So…
I’m really enjoying working at Royal Darwin Hospital. The ethnic mix is incredible, I’m learning so much from working with this diverse range of mums and babies. My work includes: Special Care Nursery and NICU Modern medicine is amazing! Working with families of babies born at 25-27 weeks gestation you see how resilient and fragile…
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