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Warm, Sensitive and Stimulating

The Stolen Generation by Sally Morgan

“Predict My Future” this study based in Dunedin New Zealand is a world renown study looking at children, their personality types and how their lives pan out in the future; its fascinating.  The bottom line: warm, sensitive and stimulating parenting is what helps kids develop and go on to have productive, happy, healthy lives.

It has been proven time and time and time again the early years of a child’s life are critical.

Whatever any of us can do to make any child feel a sense of warmth (cuddles and kisses)  or show them sensitivity (recognising a child’s feelings) or stimulate their senses (smelling the flowers) is very valuable to that child’s development.

I’m so proud my husband does volunteer work with the refugee children. If all of us did one thing every day with the health and wellbeing of our communities children in mind, the world would be a better place.

It DOES take a village to raise a child, doesn’t it?





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