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Our Indigenous Brothers and Sisters

Junba girls
Junba girls

Maternal and Child Health Nurse

I have been working in my new job rotating between 2 remote Kimberley communities coming up to 2 months now.

Indigenous babies

Are the most beautiful babies in the whole world! Their sparkling shiny eyes watch every move you make, then when you start talking to them telling them how beautiful they are their tiny little open smily faces starting gooing and garring in conversation. I love their beautifully proportioned breastfed bodies that are covered in the most delicious smooth chocolate skin. Such joy.

The mothers, fathers, aunties, uncles, sisters, brothers, grannies  all delight in these tiny people. They are carried around continually, rarely do you hear a crying baby.


A 31/2 year old recognised his name on my list of community kids, a little 2 1/2 year old said to me this week “sister you got blue eyes”.  A 12 month old gently kisses a doll while mum and I talk while his 3 year old brother changes the “kimby” of the clinic teddy.

If only we could find a way together to keep these kids growing so well so that they could continue to blossom into happy healthy people.

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