Touring Iran

The Qavan Orange Grove- Shiraz Iran

I leave for a 3 week holiday to Iran this Friday. I’m madly running around trying to get organised.

I will not have access to messenger or facebook while there- I think. If you would like to contact me please email

We are a tour group of 8 women who are mostly old friends, so we should have some fun!

Darwin Calling after Iran

When I return in early May I will be heading off to Darwin 2 days later. I have just been offered a job as a lactation consultant at the Royal Darwin Hospital so I’m eager to get there and learn more about breastfeeding from this wonderful multicultural city.

I have a 6 month contract in Darwin so will be back again in November 2019 to home visit anyone with breastfeeding difficulties in the Perth area

Who to call when I’m away

Debbie Garbin 0407 447 364

Dr Sharon Perrella 0410 056 779

Bernie O’Regan 0490 912 661

If you wish to see a GP lactation consultant:

Dr Marnie Rowan- Elizabeth Clinic ( Claremont) 9384 4565 and One for Women (Midland) 9328 0500

I highly recommend all of the above practitioners

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