Grandmother and Uncle Mick

It takes a village to raise a child

Grandmother and Uncle Mick
Grandmother and Uncle Mick with the family pets (circa 1927).

Thinking of all the new families out there that don’t have their family around them. You could be isolated from your family because of the COVID restrictions, maybe you are a refugee having had to flee from you home country or perhaps you are an immigrate (like my grandmother in the photo).

Having a new baby is a stressful time in peoples lives. If you have a neighbour, friend, family or work friend in this challenging life period reach out a hand to them, particularly if they don’t have their own family. Make a batch of bikkies, cook a meal, pick some flowers from your garden any small gesture can make a huge difference. Remembering is does take a village to raise a child, the more of us that help the better our society is.

Follow this link for some good family resources.

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