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Kimberley calling

I have always had a passion for working with our indigenous mothers and babies. I know they can teach me soooo much about breastfeeding because their culture is very strong and breastfeeding is normal in their society. Sadly its not so normal in Western society now. We need to learn how to make it normal again, so our children can see breastfeeding as a part of normal life and learn by watching.

So I have taken up a position as a remote midwife and child health nurse, its a 6 month contract.

Cathy, Estelle and Rosemary
Cathy, Estelle and Rosemary

As you can see from this photo I did this sort of work more than 30 years ago! So I will go back and be working with the little babies I meet then that are now the mothers and grandmothers today.

While I’m working away Dr Sharon Perrella and my sister Debbie Garbin have agreed to stand in for me. To contact them see my home page for details.

I will still be able to supply Spectra breast pumps to those that want to pick them up, so just ring or email.

See you in 6 months!!

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