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Tips for new parents

There is nothing more significant in life that the birth of your first child. It can be very joyful but it is definitely not without its challenges

Nothing can really prepare you for how life changes

Looking after yourself and your relationships while caring for your new baby can help relieve some uncertainty and prevent you becoming overwhelmed

Nurture important relationships

Particularly the relationship you have with yourself, learn to ask for help

Spend time with supportive people, share your feelings


This is one of the biggest challenges. Rethink what is crucial to you, maybe get to bed early and pre prioritise to make room for yourself

Physical health

Eat well, ask family/friends to prepare a meal for your family. Go for short walks with your baby


Keep your communication open and try to understand and respect each others needs


Discuss parenting and what sort of values you would like your child to have. A few values to think about: honesty, consideration- thinking of other peoples feeling (non racist), kindness- the more kindness in the world the better the world, love, justice, accepting responsibility, teamwork

Roles in the household

Discuss who the main income earner is to be, who does what chores, who takes time off work in sickness. Ongoing communication and being open to change can help prevent future conflict

Seeking help

Being new to the parenting role means you will not have all the answers you want, discussing and asking gives you ideas and information

None of us are perfect parents, we just need to be good enough

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