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Conflicting Advice

One of the most common concerns I hear from new families is that everyone is telling them something different. As if it isn’t hard enough as it is having a new baby without this barrage of conflicting information from midwives in hospital, to GPs, child health nurse, paediatricians, friends and family and of course the barman at the yacht club ( his advice to me was ” just give the baby a bottle of water when he wakes at night- that’s how you get them to sleep through the night”).

One of the reasons it feels like everyone is telling you something totally opposite from the last person is that baby care can change daily, what may be good advice one day often doesn’t suit the next day.

Every mother and baby are an individual item- no two are the same. So as health professionals we need to provide individual care and take a holistic approach to your care. Not only this we need to provide you with evidenced based care, using the proven scientific evidence , not pseudo science.

Using science in breastfeeding can make all the difference. It helps us to diagnose milk supply issues, determine if baby is having trouble breastfeeding, see if a nipple shield works well for a baby, if pain is an issue what is causing the pain to name just a few problems.

24 hour milk production- shows times and volume of breastfeeds
Shows the cream content before then after every feed of those feeds

Research tells us mothers learn breastfeeding vicariously so here are a few videos to watch. You tube too- you can learn to do anything by watching. Of course its the first way for babies and children to learn too, they learn everything by watching their parents.

Ring me if you would like to discuss your breastfeeding concerns. If you would like for me to become your personal private lactation consultant see the home visit or virtual consultation info here.

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