Long service leave; back 3rd November
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Long service leave; back 3rd November

We are about to head off on a 3 month trip through Europe to have some fun, ride bikes and catch up with long lost relatives. For any breastfeeding concerns while I’m away please call: Dr Sharon Perrella 0410 056 779 Sharon has a child health, preterm nurse background and is now a scientist, she…

The Australasian Society for Tongue and Lip Ties Conference
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The Australasian Society for Tongue and Lip Ties Conference

The Australasian Society for Tongue and Lip Ties has their conference in Melbourne next week, see the link here for the full programme. I am speaking at one of the concurrent sessions so have busily been getting prepared. Tongue  and lip ties Are a very difficult and controversial issue with babies. There are so many…

New look website

After a couple of weeks my website is back up and running, thanks so much to my wonderful web mistress Chelsea. My site was hacked, a modern day problem I hear, Im sorry if you happened to see it when it was not in a “healthy state”. Please troll through the information I have gathered…