A new baby, breastfeeding problems?
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A new baby, breastfeeding problems?

New babies don’t come with any instructions! It’s natures way of teaching right from the start to trust yourself, your body and your family. The first 6 weeks are pretty tough and gruelling, a bit like running a marathon. We know from research that if you have breastfeeding confidence you will breastfeeding for longer. So…

About foremilk and hindmilk
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About foremilk and hindmilk

These terms were originally used in research Researchers collect a small (~1mL) sample of breastmilk before and after breastfeed/express. The samples are then spun in a centrifuge and the fat content of the sample is measured. The samples and volume of the feed are then used to work out the storage capacity of the woman’s…

I’m available again for home visits late November 2019- Perth/surrounding area
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I’m available again for home visits late November 2019- Perth/surrounding area

I’m really enjoying working at Royal Darwin Hospital. The ethnic mix is incredible, I’m learning so much from working with this diverse range of mums and babies. My work includes: Special Care Nursery and NICU Modern medicine is amazing! Working with families of babies born at 25-27 weeks gestation you see how resilient and fragile…

Touring Iran

Touring Iran

I leave for a 3 week holiday to Iran this Friday. I’m madly running around trying to get organised. I will not have access to messenger or facebook while there- I think. If you would like to contact me please email cathygarbin@cathygarbin.com We are a tour group of 8 women who are mostly old friends,…