Attending midwifery update

I am in Brisbane for the next 3 days doing a midwifery update course.

I was planning to do this while I was working in the Kimberley as a midwife and child health nurse but because I worked in such remote communities it was going to take me 3 days to get to the course and then 3 days to get back!

So here I am now.

Its really valuable to renew these skills and find out the latest research and new evidenced based practice. Things do change over the years.

A couple of things I’ve learnt so far:

  1. Diabetes is the scourge of our society: Oral glucose tolerance tests at 20 weeks pregnancy tests for this condition. If you are diagnosed, take it as an early warning sign and adjust your lifestyle now so diabetes doesn’t impact on you in later life- because it most likely will
  2. Perineal  massage once a day from 30 weeks gestation has shown to decrease your change of needing an episiotomy
  3. Being active and upright in birth is the best way to get gravity to help you in delivery. It has been shown to also reduce pain
  4. This is your birth experience! take an active role, discuss with staff what is important to you

More pearls of wisdom will be posted on my facebook page as they unfold during the course.

I’ll be back in Perth on Monday, so ring/text 0407 778 183 and book if you want a home visit

for help with any breastfeeding issues.

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