5 Tips for Building Babies Brains
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5 Tips for Building Babies Brains

1. READ together as a daily, fun, family activity It’s never too young to start reading with your baby. Reading to your child, research suggests, boosts activity in parts of the brain that form the building blocks of language, literacy skills and imagination. 2. RHYME, play, talk, sing and cuddle together throughout the day It’s no accident…

The little book of breastfeeding

The little book of breastfeeding

https://ebooks.medela.com/the-amazing-science-of-mothers-milk-en?_ga=2.36742624.1587282349.1523329194-1400930649.1523329194#!/cover This little 25 page book is a fantastic book for new parents. It gives you very good scientific information to help you avoid the inevitable conflicting advice many new families struggle with. It explains how your milk is made and the composition of your milk. It gives a really good timeline of before, immediately…

Lactation Consultant Perth
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Lactation Consultant Perth

Breastfeeding Heroes Series: It is such a privilege to work with new families as a lactation consultant in Perth. With permission from families and without using real names I would like to share with you some breastfeeding hero stories from last year during the COVID lock down period. Jane had little Ida at 42 weeks…

Tips for new parents
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Tips for new parents

There is nothing more significant in life that the birth of your first child. It can be very joyful but it is definitely not without its challenges Nothing can really prepare you for how life changes Looking after yourself and your relationships while caring for your new baby can help relieve some uncertainty and prevent…

Conflicting Advice
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Conflicting Advice

One of the most common concerns I hear from new families is that everyone is telling them something different. As if it isn’t hard enough as it is having a new baby without this barrage of conflicting information from midwives in hospital, to GPs, child health nurse, paediatricians, friends and family and of course the…

Virtual Consultations for any Breastfeeding Concerns
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Virtual Consultations for any Breastfeeding Concerns

Unprecedented times!! We are all in this together and it will pass. Taking care of yourself and minimising contact with others will see us through. Please contact me if you have having difficulties. I am well set up for zoom face time consultations. If we can not get your problem resolving with a virtual session…

Virtual/Live Chat Lactation Consultant Service
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Virtual/Live Chat Lactation Consultant Service

Telephone and videocall consultations I love to travel, take on different jobs and move all around the world. However I also love my work as a private Lactation Consultant, so give me a call or email if you want a telephone or virtual service. Want breastfeeding assistance from anywhere in the world? If you want…

Breastfeeding with Nipple Pain and Trauma?
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Breastfeeding with Nipple Pain and Trauma?

To prevent soreness and nipple damage your baby needs to come to the breast in the most natural instinctive way. To do this he/she has to have a well supported body, you will know this is right when you see her/him searching for the breast with a big open mouth. your baby will then naturally…

Having breastfeeding difficulties?
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Having breastfeeding difficulties?

I’m back in Perth, text, email or ring to discuss and arrange a home visit My 6 month contract working at the Royal Darwin Hospital has finished and we are heading home. It has been so wonderful working with all the new mums and bubs in the NICU and Special Care Nursery plus all the…