Long service leave; back 3rd November
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Long service leave; back 3rd November

We are about to head off on a 3 month trip through Europe to have some fun, ride bikes and catch up with long lost relatives. For any breastfeeding concerns while I’m away please call: Dr Sharon Perrella 0410 056 779 Sharon has a child health, preterm nurse background and is now a scientist, she…

Breastfeeding and Carrying the Future
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Breastfeeding and Carrying the Future

This is a facebook post from one of my totally awesome nieces, Casey!! She now lives in Florida USA. It was on Carry The Future, a facebook page specifically started to collect preloved baby carriers to give to refugees. What a brilliant idea. I’m going to unpack my old one today!!! This is such an…

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Breastfeeding through the years

I have had a long standing passionate desire to work with our indigenous people. They master breastfeeding so easily compared to the rest of us and I really want to learn from them how they do it so easily and successfully. My sister Debbie  also works as a private lactation consultant and has the same…


The Elizabeth Clinic – New to Perth

The Elizabeth Clinic is officially open!!! The Elizabeth Clinic is a specialist multidisciplinary service supporting the health of mothers, fathers, babies and small children 222 Stirling Highway Claremont, Western Australia 0407 858 393 http://www.elizabethclinic.com.au/ Dr Caroline Zanetti and Dr Julia Feutrill are so pleased to be able to offer an affordable, inclusive comprehensive health service to…

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Breastfeeding Studies at The University of Western Australia

Milk Profile We lend BabyWeigh scales to mothers who would like to measure their milk profile by weighing their baby before and after each breastfeed or expression from each breast for a period of 24-26 hours, at home, and collecting a small (<1 mL) milk sample each time their baby is weighed. From these data…

Happy Christmas to all

  Happy Christmas I hope you are all enjoying the festive season. I’m here in Jigalong working with the Martu people trying to learn from them how they breastfeed. They are the oldest surviving traditional society in the world. It’s a real privilege to be here. I’ll be back in Perth and available for home…

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Dr Marnie Rowan starts a new breastfeeding medicine clinic

Dr Marnie Rowan, breastfeeding medicine clinic I am pleased to announce that I will be commencing a breastfeeding medicine clinic in June 2014 at the rooms of Dr Bruce Thyer, Killowen House, St John of God Mt Lawley (formerly Mercy). I manage breastfeeding problems utilising a medical model and evidence based care, whilst ensuring each…

Alcohol and breastfeeding | Australian Breastfeeding Association

Channel 9 interviewed me briefly yesterday about this topic. Perhaps it sounded like I condoned drinking alcohol and breastfeeding, the interview was heavily edited. Have a good look at this link to the ABA website, its got it all there. Alcohol and breastfeeding | Australian Breastfeeding Association.