Need Breastfeeding Help?
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Need Breastfeeding Help?

help is just a call away Happy belated Christmas. Catching up with the family at Christmas gatherings is a great time for us to enjoy all our different relationships- our partners, our parents, our children, our siblings, our cousins, our friends. It’s a good time to reflect on life and to look at what direction…

Worrying your baby is getting enough milk?
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Worrying your baby is getting enough milk?

This a very common concerns for new mums.   Some facts and tips about your milk supply: Your baby is fussy and does not settle after feeds, crying more than you expect At about 3 weeks of age many babies have unexplained unsettled periods during some part of the day. Holding them through this time…

Having Problems with Breastfeeding? Need a Lactation Consultant?
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Having Problems with Breastfeeding? Need a Lactation Consultant?

Do you have concerns about your milk supply, pain with breastfeeding, difficulties attaching your baby, your baby is not going weight well or any other issue, call me if you want assistance. Last week I attended a 2 day workshop related to baby’s brain development. Babies are so amazing, their little brains are so vulnerable…

My Breastfeeding Journey
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My Breastfeeding Journey

I recently did some interviews with the breast pump development company Medela for their revised website. The information on the revised site is really good and is all evidenced based. They have set the information out on a timeline starting with pregnancy through the first 6 months of your breastfeeding journey. You can pick out…

Warm, Sensitive and Stimulating
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Warm, Sensitive and Stimulating

“Predict My Future” this study based in Dunedin New Zealand is a world renown study looking at children, their personality types and how their lives pan out in the future; its fascinating.  The bottom line: warm, sensitive and stimulating parenting is what helps kids develop and go on to have productive, happy, healthy lives. It…

The College of Lactation Consultants Conference 2017
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The College of Lactation Consultants Conference 2017

I attended and spoke at the annual conference for the West Australian College of Lactation Consultants yesterday. I shared with the group photos, stories and what I learnt from the wonderful Kimberley Aboriginal mums and bubs I worked with in the last 12 months. I neglected to tell everyone I’m now back in Perth to…

Love is the most important thing for a new baby!
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Love is the most important thing for a new baby!

  When breastfeeding doesn’t work out Throughout time there have always been mothers who’s bodies cannot produce enough milk for their baby’s needs or for other reasons breastfeeding has just not worked. When experience has failed to meet expectations the situation can result in a grave personal sense of loss for the new mother. Emotions…

Health Funds Recognising the Services of Lactation Consultants
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Health Funds Recognising the Services of Lactation Consultants

These are the health funds that assist you to breastfeed: HCF, NIB, BUPA, Peoplecare, CBHS, AHM, Police Health, Teachers’ Union Health, Defence Health, Navy Health, Health Partners It is great that so many funds now recognise you are doing the best for your baby and yourself, that it can be difficult initially to get your…